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How to Become a Vegan: Going Vegan Easily & Healthily

How to Become Vegan

Are you about to cut animal products from your diet? Your decision to become a vegan might be driven by your care for the environment or love for animals. Or, the reason can be health issues. Either way, transitioning to a plant-based diet can be challenging.

When you're used to eating animal products, cutting them out will initially cause cravings. In addition, there’s the risk of depleting your body of some important micronutrients. Therefore, the key to successfully adopting your new dietary regimen and becoming a vegan is to focus on the perfect balance between flavors and nutrition. That way, you won't miss animal-sourced foods.

So, read on to find out some helpful tips on how to become a vegan gradually and risk-free.

Key Takeaways

  • Transitioning to veganism can be easier when you keep reminding yourself why you’ve made this choice.
  • It's best to ease your way into the vegan lifestyle with a solid plan, including meal schedules and shopping lists.
  • Focus on nutrient-rich foods, a balanced diet, and necessary supplements to adapt to veganism smoothly.

What Does It Take to Be a Vegan?

What Does It take to Be a Vegan

Most likely, you already know that veganism is about abstaining from consuming animal products. And we don't just mean meat, fish, poultry, or processed foods made of these. You must also stay away from dairy and eggs.

So, if you love egg salads, cheese and fluffy cakes or can’t imagine life without ice cream, get ready to give them up. And that's where a lot of people falter.

If you consider veganism as being just another fad diet, then you're in for a surprise. Veganism is a lifestyle choice that demands commitment. It’s about stopping using ANY animal products, whether used in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals or clothing. Vegans are against animal cruelty and are deeply concerned about Nature’s well-being. Of course, your health issues can be a powerful driving force, too.

How Do I Start Being a Vegan?

In the beginning, it’s best to ease your way into veganism instead of going cold turkey. Try eliminating only a few animal products from your diet and adding their plant-based substitutes.

For instance, switch chicken for tofu and dairy milk for soy/almond milk. Incorporate nut butter, nutritional yeast, aquafaba, etc. to replace cheese, eggs, butter and other foods.

Furthermore, cooking at home at first will help you resist temptations and have control over your meals. Also, start having nutrient-rich foods and supplements like vitamin B12.

Related: Vegan Butter Vs. Margarine: End Your Vegan Dilemma Today!

How to Become a Vegan Easily?

What to Eat on a Vegan Diet

The journey to veganism may be tough at first, but there are ways to make things easier for you. A bit of planning, research, and determination can go a long way. So, try the following:

Do Your Research on Vegan Food Options

If you think veganism is all about salads and soy milk, you need to do some serious research! From vegan meat alternatives and plant-based egg substitutes to vegan Indian cuisine and delicious Mediterranean recipes, the vegan world can be truly exciting.

Plant-based foods to replace animal-sourced foods

Food Why You Should Have It
Mushrooms, bananas, eggplant, heart of palm, jackfruit, zucchini Fibrous and spongy; mimic meat texture
Seitan, tempeh, tofu Great protein source & meat substitutes
Legumes Rich in protein, carbs & micronutrients; great binding properties
Nuts and seeds To make substitute milk, yogurt, cheese, and other dairy products
Agar agar, quinoa, aquafaba, chia/flax seed gel, chickpea water Egg products alternatives
Fortified foods For calcium, B12, D3, Taurine, etc.

You may find this vegan shopping list by vegan writer and influencer, Nora Taylor, helpful, as well.

Plan and Prep Your Daily/Weekly Meals

For the first few days or weeks, follow a strict plan. You can resort to good cookbooks, YouTube channels, blogs, etc., to help you with your weekly vegan meal plans. And shop for healthy and tasty ingredients. You can also prep your food for a week to avoid cooking daily.

Check out this list of meal prep ideas by PETA.

Focus on Nutrition

You may be surprised to know that some nutrients aren’t present in plant-based foods. So, when you shift to veganism, you’ll likely miss out on some vitamins and minerals. But you can add these micronutrients to your diet with the help of fortified vegan foods and supplements.

Nutrients you can’t get EASILY from plants:

  • Carnitine
  • Collagen
  • Carnosine
  • Creatine
  • DHA
  • EPA
  • Heme Iron
  • Taurine
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin D3

Read Nutrition Facts Labels

Let's face the reality! Eating fresh produce is not always possible. You may also need to consume packaged foods occasionally. So, if you can't find certified vegan options, learn to read food labels and look out for hidden animal products.

Some examples of hidden animal products:

  • Adrenaline
  • Albumen
  • Bee Pollen
  • Fish Oil
  • Honey
  • Gelatine
  • Insulin
  • Pepsin
  • Whey
  • Carmine

Check out the complete list here.

Related: How to Get B12 as a Vegetarian? Tips for a Balanced Diet

Can You Just Become a Vegan?

If you’re determined to take a stand and protect animals and the environment, you can easily become a vegan. You may be moved by animal killing and exploitation. Your reasons can be environmental degradation caused by greenhouse gas, water pollution, deforestation, etc., due to livestock farming.

Still, it’s the long-term commitment to veganism that becomes hard, as veganism isn’t just about food. It’s about a complete lifestyle change.

Also, you may find the transition to a vegan diet difficult because of having to deal with cravings, especially when you have lived your entire life eating certain foods. Your digestive system will also undergo changess. In addition, you may have to face resistance from loved ones, who don't believe in veganism or support your choices.

But remember why you’ve made the choice. So, to become and remain a vegan, you’ll need some effort.

How to Go Vegan on a Budget?

Whenever discussing veganism with friends, colleagues, or family, there’s always one person who may say: “Well, veganism is expensive.” But let’s bust this myth - it’s really not! All you need to do is shop smart and plan things ahead to fit this lifestyle into your budget.

Things to do to go vegan on a budget:

  • Look out for deals and discounts at local grocery stores and shopping apps, and stock up during a sale.
  • Follow a meal plan and purchase list while shopping. This will prevent buying unnecessary and unhealthy items.
  • Freeze your grocery and already cooked meals to prevent wastage.
  • Cook extra for your dinner and store leftovers for lunch the next day.
  • Don’t refrain from preserved options like canned beans or frozen veggies. These last long and make cooking convenient.
  • Buy supermarket brands, as these are usually cheaper than other options. You may also get discounts on them.
  • Don’t forget to negotiate when you shop at farmers’ markets and local stores, especially at closing time.
  • Check out the “reduced” sections and “value” products to get attractive price cuts on items from your shopping list.

Related: Plant-Based Vs. Vegan: Is There a Difference?

Vegan Diet for Weight Loss

Vegan Diet for Weight Loss

You may have noticed vegans look a lot leaner than people eating meat, dairy, and eggs. Think about vegan celebrities like Arianna Grande and Benedict Cumberbatch. Even studies show that a plant-based diet is excellent for weight management.

A vegan diet can also lower the risks of several health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, kidney problems, and obesity. Clearly, a lot of these are associated with being overweight. And veganism can be your doorway to weight loss.

Still, you should have a balanced diet and consume protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs. If you load up on sugar, saturated and trans fats, processed foods, etc., a vegan diet won’t help you.

Do Vegans Lose Weight Faster?

Studies show that people on a plant-based diet lose weight faster than carnivores. Of course, that includes veganism and vegetarianism.

Furthermore, research indicates that vegans and vegetarians experience rapid BMI reduction and improvement in overall body composition and endurance performance.

But vegans, sometimes, lose weight in muscle mass, instead of body fat. This can result in having problems like low energy, high blood pressure and cholesterol, or a stubborn belly pooch.

Hence, you need to eat wholesome foods full of micronutrients to lose weight and be strong as a vegan. Focus on protein intake to maintain muscles while cutting fats, sugar, and junk food.

Need help with transitioning to a healthy vegan diet? Then, give Cookunity’s vegan meal delivery service a try today! You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the wide choice of plant-based dishes, prepared with passion, love and expertise by top local chefs with years of experience in the field!

Healthy Vegan Meal Ideas

Now, it's time for the most important part of turning vegan - planning your meals. This step can be exciting if you do it strategically. For a vegan meal plan that helps you lose weight, you should first figure out how many calories you need daily. Accordingly, you can start experimenting.

There’s no limit to how you can use fresh produce, canned products, and frozen ingredients to your advantage.

Check out below our meal plan for one day:

One-Day Vegan Menu Sample (1500-1800 kCal)

Breakfast Overnight Oats with Almond Milk and Chia Seeds 340 kcal Recipe: WSK


  • Easy to make the night before
  • Customizable with high-protein fruits, nuts, etc.
  • Can be taken to work or school if refrigerated in a mason jar

You can also try Cookunity's Blueberry-Chia Vegan Overnight Oats

AM Snack No-Bake Carrot Protein Bars 208 kcal Recipe: Clean Green Simple


  • Great for a quick bite
  • Easy to make and store in large quantities
  • No hassle of baking
Lunch Quinoa Salad with Sweet Potato 241 kcal Recaipe: It’s Not Complicated


  • Easy to take to work
  • Exciting salad option
  • Light, won’t make you lethargic during the afternoon

And if too busy to make it, you can enjoy Cookunity's similar version, instead: Thai Quinoa & Veggie Salad

PM Snack Peanut Butter Protein Cookies 112 kcal Recipe: Well Plated


  • Pairs well with tea/coffee
  • Ideal serving: 2 cookies (224 kCal)
  • Tip: No sugar/milk in beverage to minimize calorie intake
Dinner Masala Dosa with Potato Filling and Coconut Chutney 540 kcal Recipe: Lazy Cat Kitchen


  • Filling meal with crispy pancake and spicy filling with chutney
  • Exciting and exotic recipe
  • Inspires you to explore Indian cuisine
Dessert Blueberry Chia Seed Pudding 308 kcal Recipe: Natalie’s Health


  • Ideal for adding extra calories
  • Rich in protein, fibers, and nutrients
  • Extra can be saved for breakfast

Don't miss to indulge in Cookunity's Coconut Yogurt Vegan Parfait with Strawberry-Chia Jam, as well!

These don’t even begin to scratch the surface of vegan meals variety. You can try different cuisines, and ingredients. You just have to alter your favorite recipes slightly and use meat, egg and dairy substitutes if need be to enjoy some great nutritious vegan options.

Related: 30 Vegan Breakfast Ideas: Start the Day with a Nutritious Vegan-friendly Meal

How to Become a Vegan: FAQs

Q: What is the golden rule of a vegan diet?

A: The golden rule of a vegan diet and lifestyle says you shouldn't harm animals any more than you'd want them to harm you.

Q: How to go vegan for a month?

A: You can go vegan for a month by removing all animal-sourced foods like meat, fish, eggs, dairy, honey, etc., from your diet. But remember, one month is too short for adapting to this new diet. The transition is hard, as you may deal with cravings and nutrient deficiencies.

Q: What is the 7-day vegan challenge?

A: The 7-day vegan challenge is a fun way to get into the vegan lifestyle for a week. That means, for 7 days, you have to abstain from all foods that come from animals and stick to a plant-based diet. You can share your progress, recipes, meal plans, etc., with others taking the challenge.

Q: What are the 4 types of vegans?

The four main categories of vegans are:

  • Ethical vegans, who stand for animal welfare and want to live in a cruelty-free world;
  • Environmental vegans, who care about the planet;
  • Health vegans, who want to prevent chronic diseases, assocoated with the consumption of animal products;
  • Religious vegans, who are driven by their spiritual beliefs to maintain a plant-based diet.

Related: The Vegan Diet: Advantages and Disadvantages

Choose Veganism - for You and Nature’s Well-being

We'd be lying if we said you could wake up tomorrow and become a vegan overnight. Your body, mind, and taste buds may take a while to get used to a 100% plant-based diet.

But when you do it mindfully, the challenges will be minimized. And you will soon discover a fitter version of yourself. You’ll also sleep better, knowing you’re doing your part to make the planet kinder and greener.
