Arepas are an extremely popular type of filled, griddled corn cake in South America. Here Chef Daniel pairs a succulent cheese-filled arepa with tender slow-braised beef in a Mexican Birria-style chile sauce. The arepas and beef can be topped with pickled red onions, pico de gallo, and fresh cilantro, and come with a side of fragrant Jasmine rice to complete the meal.
Nutritional facts
Apple Cider VinegarBay LeafBeef BaseBeef ChuckBlack PepperButterCardamomChileCilantroCinnamon StickCitric AcidClove And SpicesCorianderCornmealCucumberCumin SeedsExtra Virgin Olive OilGarlicGingerGuajillo ChiliItalian ParsleyJasmine RiceKosher SaltOaxaca CheeseOil BlendOnionsOreganoPasilla PowderPlum TomatoesRed OnionsRosemarySageShort RibsSugarThymeWhole Milk
Based on 123 reviews
Born in Los Angeles to parents from Mexico, Chef Daniel Dorado traces his love of cooking back to his earliest years, working as a line cook alongside his older brother and enjoying Sunday dinners cooked by his abuelita. During college, Dorado worked in restaurants and realized that his love of food was much bigger than his love of communications, so he decided to pursue cooking full time. He moved to New York City and eventually landed the position of Head Chef at Ilili. There, he was introduced to Middle Eastern spices and techniques, which completely transformed the way he cooks and creates dishes. In October 2019, Dorado teamed up with Nasser Jaber to create The Migrant Kitchen: a long-dreamt-of catering business that focused on providing meaningful opportunities for immigrants to showcase the cuisines and cultures of their home countries while earning more than just minimum wage. Today, TMK serves over 60,000 meals a week to food-insecure communities across NYC.
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