In this Asian-inspired meal, Chef Nelson slathers juicy grilled boneless pork loin in a Japanese-inspired BBQ sauce with the perfect balance of sweet, spicy and smoky flavors. Sliced and served over a bed of steamed Calrose rice, along with various pickled veggies to cut through all that richness: pickled shallots, cauliflower, and cucumbers.
Nutritional facts
CucumberBBQ SaucePork LoinCalrose RiceSugarLight Soy SauceKosher SaltShallotRice Wine VinegarGochujang SauceYuzu JuiceCauliflower
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Chef Nelson Brizuela came to the u.s. in 2006 from El Salvador and began his first job in the restaurant industry at Mantilini. Beginning as a dishwasher, Chef Brizuela worked on building his culinary skills and determined to reach the position of head chef! He was proudly a part of the family at Mantilini for 10 years, until they closed their doors. After Mantilini, Chef began working at Hinoki & The Bird, under Executive Chef Brandon Kida, where he has continued to develop his techniques as a chef and a leader. Hinoki is a Japanese-American fusion restaurant where, as a sous chef, Brizuela has ventured into classic dishes like lobster, BBQ, ceviche and more. Under the mentorship of Chef Kida, Chef Brizuela has pushed to further develop his talents and, with chef Kida’s guidance, Brizuela has decided to take the opportunity to create his own “Revolution Kitchen.” The base of his dishes will focus on traditional cuisines with a modern twist.
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