This dish is like a cross between Mexican enchiladas and cheesy American casseroles. Corn tortillas are rolled around a comforting filling of juicy marinated chicken and roasted vegetables including mushrooms, zucchini, and corn. The tortillas are then then stacked and layered, smothered in a smoky guajillo chili-tomato sauce, and topped with lots of Pepperjack cheese. Once baked, the corn tortillas absorb all the flavors in the sauce and meld together with the filling, making this dish a symphony of flavors and textures.
Nutritional facts
Chicken ThighOreganoVegetable BaseCuminCornCorn TortillaGarlicAchiote PasteCanned TomatoZucchiniOnionKosher SaltGuajillo ChileLime JuiceCrimini MushroomOrange JuiceCanola OilPepperjack Cheese
Based on 158 reviews
Personal chef and cooking instructor in Austin, TX. My specialty covers foods from South America to North America. I'm motivated by the stories behind cooking and expressing that story into the flavor of the food. In 2017, my brother and I created Yuyo Peruano restaurant as a celebration of my culinary immersion throughout South America, where I connected with the people and the culinary community from Bolivia, Peru, Argentina, and Uruguay. I was recognized by the James Beard Foundation with a Best Chef nomination in 2019. Due to covid Yuyo closed with many other opportunities to cook for many more than I could have imagined through CookUnity.
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